
Dear Sir

Dear Heavily Accented Slightly Scary Man,

I am having some trouble understanding you, but I'm pretty sure you are upset. What is that about baby carriages? I'm sure you can find some way to get them home. Can you carry them? Some people carry their babies with their arms. The priest is not here, and I have nothing I can give you. I think when you say "lurhes" you mean "churches," and there are many around here, but I don't really know the area very well. No, the priest is really not here, only me.

I hope your babies are ok.



Dear Irritated Firemen,

I'm sorry about the false alarm. The plumber did not tell me he would be using a blow torch in the basement. Also, I don't know how to work that alarm system yet. I hope you are not too angry, because you have an ax.



Dear Woman Who has Surgery Tomorrow,

I am glad that seeing the marriage certificate of your parents and your grandparents, seeing their signatures on the page, that they are still here, somehow, brought you some relief. I hope that your friend holds your hand tomorrow, and your tears are only temporary.



Dear Buddy the Mailman,

Thanks for bringing the mail! I like that you remember my name, and sometimes bring me books.



Dear Sad Voiced Man,

I am sorry that you have come by again in the rain, raindrops on your shirt, old baseball cap covering your white hair, only to find that the priest is still not here. He will be back soon. I hope that you stay dry, and that someone makes you smile today.

