

Denny says I should write inspiring, uplifting stuff.  He says it might change my outlook on life.  Ross says that would like him becoming a vegetarian: Not gonna happen.  

Jason says he's in town tonight.  I say that I'm not sure I have a clean towel for him. 

My boss says the closet is a mess.  I think he means for me to clean it up. 

Emily says I look like I've got a positive aura.  I don't usually talk about auras, she says. says it's going to snow again tomorrow.  I wonder if I should buy some boots. 

I say I feel a little like my life has exploded, but I am kind of enjoying it.  I say this only to myself.  And to you.

1 comment:

shantel said...

You still don't have boots? Geez. You are really asking for it.